FULL: GET IT! Reverend William Barber - Democratic National Convention

I'm glad you posted this. I saw this on my Facebook feed but didn't pay any attention to it. As an atheist, I was moved by his speech, especially by these lines:

"I am worried by the way that faith is cynically used by some to serve hate, fear, racism and greed.....".

"Jesus, a brown-skin Palestinian Jew, called us to preach good news to the poor, the broken and the bruised and all those who are made to feel unaccepted....".

"When we love the Jewish child and the Palestinian child, the Muslim and the Christian and the Hindu and the Buddhist and those who have no faith but they love this nation, we are reviving the heart of our democracy.....".

In his way of delivery that black folks like with creative metaphors and lots of emotions, he really brought home a message that resonated with people of all walks of life. Isn't that what we claim America is all about?