February 2016: Monthly Motivation & Encouragement


Here is the Monthly Motivation for February 2016. For those who take the time to read these, I will try to post them on the 8th day of each month (for Biblical symbolism).

It's rather lengthy, but please read and enjoy. And may you forever be blessed as you pursue your growth in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Disclaimer: For those who believe in & worship the Lord God Jehovah, Creator of Heaven & Earth, and who have accepted His Son, Jesus Christ, the Resurrected Saviour

One day an elderly man was taking his routine walk through his neighborhood and nearby park. This was something he did daily, a tradition that started back early in his marriage. He & his wife would often walk and sit in the park and talk and just enjoy the scenery. The man continued this tradition even after his wife of 33 years passed on. He was a very, very friendly man with a warm, caring nature. Many passerbys would stop and chat with him or just downright sit and talk with him to listen to his testimonies of God’s goodness or just simply to hear him spread inspiration and encouragement. On this particular day, however, he was so enamored with his praise and worship, he lost track of time and noticed it was darkening.

The man was up in age, so he couldn’t walk very fast, but he was determined to make it home in time for the 9PM news. As he neared his home, he decided to take the alley that would lead almost directly to his house. The alley was very dark, but the man was unnerved by the darkness and kept walking, humming one of his favorite gospel songs. He almost didn’t hear a raspy voice call out to him, “Say old man, you got a light?”

The man turned and saw a figure come from the shadows. Undeterred he waited until the figure approached him. He noticed it was a young man with a distinct scar alongside his right cheek that spread up to his ear. The younger man had a piercing, intense look on his face as he looked down at the old man. “You got a light, old man?” he repeated.

Still unmoved, the older man reached into his pockets and with his arthritic fingers pulled a small book of matches (he was a pipe smoker) and lit one for the younger man. As he held out the match, he noticed the young man’s look went from intense to a sheer look of horror. He backed away, and suddenly said, “Never mind, pops, I’ll get it somewhere else” and turned and walked away. The old man simply replied, “Be blessed son, and be safe” and headed on home. When he got home, he noticed it wasn’t as late as he thought and decided to say his nightly prayer before showering and catching the news.

As he settled down in his chair, he turned on the TV and watched as the anchors reported a local charity event, and news of the new construction of the highway. The next story sent chills down his spine: he found himself looking at the young man who stopped him in the alley. The man sat up and listened as the anchor reported how a homicide had been recently committed and the suspect was now in custody. The old man was very, very troubled as he looked at the picture of the man with the distinct scar on his cheek. He was so troubled by this that he put on some trousers and a shirt, grabbed his hat & coat and made his way to the local police station.

Upon arriving, he asked the desk officer of the suspect; since the officer recognized the old man from his park visits, he allowed him visit with the suspect. When the old man entered into the room, he was still in disbelief, but when the door opened, in walked the young man he’d seen not an hour ago. He sat down across from the old man and just looked at him.

“Son,” the old man said, “do you remember me? You asked me for a light in the alley about a few blocks away”.

“Yeah I remember you, “the young man answered, “I know exactly who you are”.

“I don’t understand, child. You’re in here for murder. We were in a dark alley. No one was around. I’m an old feeble man. It could have easily been me whose life you took. You had to have killed after you saw me. Why, son, did you not? Why did you spare me?” the old man asked.

The young man looked at the old man and turned away. After a few minutes, he slowly turned his head back toward him, this time with tears in his eyes. He shook his head.

“No,” he said, “you’re wrong. Yes, I did kill that man right after I ran into you. See, I’ve been watching you for a while. I know you live alone. I was going to kill you, then take your wallet and keys and go to your house and rob you,” he confessed.

“But why, son, what stopped you?,” the old man inquired. The young man stared at him.

“I thought we were alone in the alley. When I saw you walking, I thought you were alone. I didn’t see him until you struck that match”.

The old man was a bit confused. “See ‘him’ who?”

The young man took a deep breath. “The instant you struck that match, in the light, I saw a tall man standing behind you,” the young man’s voice was so low the old man had to lean forward to hear him. The young man went on in a trembling voice, “This man had a face like no other man I’ve ever seen. It was shining bright, magnificent but terrible at the same time. His eyes were like lightning. And in his hand he held a gleaming, golden sword, held out ready to strike at any second. When I saw that, I got so scared, I backed up and left. When I came across the next person I saw after leaving you, that’s the victim I chose, and instead, I killed him. But as I ran, I stumbled upon the police. They were suspicious about the way I was acting, and sent a car in the direction I came from and found the body. I’m already outstanding, so they arrested me. When they asked me if I had anything to do with the body they found, something inside of me made me answer, ‘Yes’, and I confessed to what I’d done”. By this point, the young man was weeping bitterly.

The old man looked at the young man. All he could see was a desperate, scared individual who made a grave, grave mistake. He opened his mouth to say “goodbye” but instead a prayer for repentance and forgiveness came out. As he continued to pray, the young man’s weeping grew louder and heavier. After the prayer, the old man stood and said, “Son, I don’t know what lies ahead for you and I don’t know how your future is going to turn out, but I do know Who holds the future. Come to get to know that Man who stood behind me, learn about Him, give yourself to Him and trust everything He tells you. Be at peace, and goodnight, child”. He gave the young man a big smile, put on his hat and left.

Once you pattern your life after Christ, you now walk in light. As you grow and develop and live the lifestyle of Jesus, your light shines brighter and brighter, and is noticeable to everyone (family, friends, coworkers, church members, even strangers and enemies).You may face dark situations or have some dark moments, but when you live and walk in the light God has called His people to be, those situations/moments cannot overtake you, for there can be no darkness where there is light! Let your life & your lifestyle radiate Light; don't let it cast shadows.

Be happy, be at peace, and be steadfast in your pursuit of the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!:)

Reference Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16 (KJV)

Thank you... What a lesson to be learned here... Keep them coming. Look at God, how He protects us when we are not aware of His protection for us.