Everybody Check The Huntsville Times Sports Pages

We were cheering singing the Fight Song on every score. Even the Police on our side joined in with us. We use the metal seats as the drum. With 3:11 seconds we said this is our game. We knew our D1A Coach had finally gotten into positon to show you all how to steal a win.

The coach said he messed up. So we have to take his word for it. But it appeared to me that the Alcorn Defense had picked up Coop signals from the side line. The onside kick finally worked. The officials had a conference to give the ball to Alcorn, but the White official would not back down on his call. So we were awarded the ball.

The sadest part of the trip is that when we opened the Cargo door of the bus, all the spirits felled from the buses. The only bottle that was broken was the Jim Beam. We have been carrying the Jim Beam with us all season and lost it.

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