Didn't we already discuss this one????


Postmaster General!!!
I couldn't remember if someone posted this piece or not. I know we discussed something of the sort but here it is again.

For those who have not heard, the bottlers/manufacturers of Dr. Pepper
and their other products, have started a "new" can campaign. They are
putting patriotic scenes on them. One, is the Empire State Bldg. with
the pledge of allegiance...but... they left off the words..."under God."
They felt it might "offend" some. I don't know about you, but as a Christian, I am
boycotting their products! They said they didn't "have room" for those words, but
yet they had room for indivisible" on the can! Please pass this along to
others and see if we can get a message out to DR. Pepper ....if having "under
God" on cans offends them, then they don't need our money with "in God we
trust" on it !!!!

Interesting isn't it? And this is one of my favorite sodas. :(
They also put "Spiderman's" picture on the can also. Now they have to start putting the Incredible Hulk, Superman, Batman, and other Marvel Comic stars on the can. :(

I really don't know what to say. IT is true that Under God was not always there.
I believe that there will be more people who will refuse to buy it because "Under God" is NOT there than there would have been people refusing to buy it because it WAS there.

I hate Dr. Pepper and most of their products, anyway, so I'm not offended at all!
I don't drink Dr. Pepper unless I am feeling faint and can't find NUFFIN else to DRANK...........so whoopty do