Crude Nuclear, Biological Attacks Emminent


Brand HBCUbian
,,, so says ultra-right wing talk show host Michael Savage. The recent warning from the government and stockpiling of smallpox vaccines are some of the suttle signs, this usual Hollywood movie dramatizing the issue notwithstanding.

I think we are "fat and happy" here and don't really think it can happen to us. If and when it does happen it will be interesting to see how we, especially blacks who have been at constant odds with "the system", react.

One thing I would say about this scenario; this is probably one time when all the folks in some big city metro like D.C., N.Y., Los Angeles, Chicago,,, etc., would wish they were in "the sticks".

Another thing I would say is that if this does happen, any countries associated however indirectly will feel a terrible rath.