Cole Meets Requirement For JSU Job

yes tigerpride, yes, yes,,,,

yeah, yeah,,, tigerpride, I believe we touched on that, but all that "recruits falling in our laps on name alone" is mostly embellishment on your part. In reality, it's not that big a factor, especially now days with so many options for these kids coming out of high school and their increasing "sophistication" in choosing where they want to go play sports. It's a constant competition. As I said, historically ASU doesn't have the winning tradition of JSU, but that is not the end all/be all when it comes to recruiting for any good coaching staff, so again, just too small a factor IMO.
All of this started because I stated my belief its much harder to recruit at Alabama State than it is at Jackson State. That doesn't mean our coaches just sit in the office and wait for talent to come to them, but would be a factor if a coach ever had to make the choice between the 2 schools.

yes, i know.

that's why I said your fellow tiger there was embellishing a bit (or just running smack) with the comments.

i can understand those takes from a JSU standpoint, and I can see what you are saying on JSU's winning tradition and all, the only place I don't concure is on the big difference in talent pool. I think there are differences between the schools, just nothing that would be enough to factor in to any decisions to go to one as opposed to the other to coach as far as talent pool is concerned. other issues, yes, namely fan support as you pointed out.