Chuck Todd Says Mueller May Drop Something Big: 'I Wouldn't Miss Work Tomorrow'


Staff member
MSNBC’s Chuck Todd thinks all signs point to special counsel Robert Mueller making major moves on Friday.

President Donald Trump on Thursday called the inquiry into Russian meddling “an illegal investigation.”

“This is the president feeling like there’s a lot happening around him, the walls may be closing in on him, and I think he’s lashing out,” said Bloomberg’s Sahil Kapur on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily.”

Republican strategist Brad Todd, however, said Mueller has a “responsibility” to know when “he’s gone past the time limit of when he has credibility with the public.”

“What time limit are we at?” wondered Todd.

Todd said everyone who’s worked with Mueller believes he would’ve ended the investigation already if there was no evidence of collusion.

He also said Mueller would “keep quiet” between Labor Day and November’s midterm elections so as not to be accused of interfering politically.