Deep in Tha Heart of...
Olde Hornet, YOU wake up...
Naw bruh,
It's about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens everyday. People get killed as innocent bystanders everyday..... in night clubs, on crowded streets, etc. That doesn't mean you or I should be afraid to go outside and live our lives.
Can you honestly tell me of an instance in which Black people were specifically targeted (by non-whites) in a terrorist activity?
Muhammed Ali once stated in response to America's involvement in Vietnam, "I ain't got no problem with them Viet-cong. They ain't never called me n****r."
:still waiting on an explanation of why we stand in unquestioning support of a government we know is guilty of numerous atrocities in the recent past:
Naw bruh,
It's about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens everyday. People get killed as innocent bystanders everyday..... in night clubs, on crowded streets, etc. That doesn't mean you or I should be afraid to go outside and live our lives.
Can you honestly tell me of an instance in which Black people were specifically targeted (by non-whites) in a terrorist activity?
Muhammed Ali once stated in response to America's involvement in Vietnam, "I ain't got no problem with them Viet-cong. They ain't never called me n****r."
:still waiting on an explanation of why we stand in unquestioning support of a government we know is guilty of numerous atrocities in the recent past: