Are we getting too materialistic?


Prisoner Of The State
I pose this question for your thoughts on the matter. Are people in general becoming too materialistic and why?

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NO, I was saying to say we're getting that way is kinda a joke because we've been that way for a long time. Material things and what the next person has is too big a part of our lives.
i dont know but i do get tired of cash money talking about cars and platinum stuff. i believe thas its ok to prosper.

Because many are first generation wealth. People are not used to having money/don't know how to act with new found wealth, have inferiority complexes from generations of NOT having money and must therefore "show" this new found wealth, it has been hammered into minds to obtain money at almost any cost and society celebrates those with money and are re-inforced with the "good life" of those people with money.

People's loyalty is swithed to money rather than family, friends, God, and race
You only live once, so why not enjoy it while you living. Just don't let it go to your head and start disrespecting others.
i agree with the first generational wealth, but what our race doesn't understand is being wealthy is not the same thing as havin money. what u do with your money determines whether you are or aren't. for example, my black men who by these expensive cars with rims, system and all just to show that u have some cheese, but u don't, cause that car's value went straight through the ground when u drove it off the lot. if u don bought a house or some other property, now we workin with something, if u got stocks, bonds, or other investments, now we talkin. that's where the wealth comes in because u have materials thats value will multiply in time. and i'm not even gonna get on havin good credit
XHALE9802, and how.

Take your typical big time athlete, especially from humble beginnings; stupid arse fur coats? IN CALIFORNIA??!!! :slap: I mean,,, somebody help me out here!! Nee-as skraight out of dayum Weedowee Alabama (for example),,, with a collection of fur coats??!! :confused: This is unbelievable to me.

Deez mugz could be quietly buying up (or should I say, BUYING BACK,) much of dayum Chambers county for the price of a FREAKING fur coat collection!!

But I know, I know,,, just not that simplistic. I mean,,, ya get out here,,,, ya got mugz jockin' you from all walks of life,, you're in a totally new environment, totally new social strata (until yo arse is flat broke again),,, you gotta be one strong willed/minded person to withstand new found wealth and you are just going off of your own thoughts, with no model or example to follow in your past.

It's tight.
Originally posted by XHALE9802
i agree with the first generational wealth, but what our race doesn't understand is being wealthy is not the same thing as havin money. what u do with your money determines whether you are or aren't. for example, my black men who by these expensive cars with rims, system and all just to show that u have some cheese, but u don't, cause that car's value went straight through the ground when u drove it off the lot. if u don bought a house or some other property, now we workin with something, if u got stocks, bonds, or other investments, now we talkin. that's where the wealth comes in because u have materials thats value will multiply in time. and i'm not even gonna get on havin good credit

This is what a lot of people do not realize. It's like the "guns and butter" speech that Ving Rhames did on "Baby Boy". A lot of us equate wealth or status with material items when that is not the case. When I worked at a bank it would amaze me how many of us(Blacks)would come in, cash checks every week, but only have about $2.50 in their account. What really got to me was when it was tax season and some of us would come in with checks up to $3,000 or more and wouldn't put a dime of it in the bank. I understand that some people have to pay off bills but you could at least put a few hundred in the bank just in case. These are the same people that are crying broke when it's time for a car repair or some other unexpected circumstance. Perhaps if some of us wouldn't be so charge-happy then we wouldn't have to worry about paying off $2,000-$10,000 worth of credit card debt. As crazy as it may sound, my philosphy is if I can't pay cash for it then I probably don't need it. Car rentals, plane tickets, and things like that go on a card. I'll be damned if I put a tank of gas or some food on it. With credit card interest those little $20 meals can add up pretty quickly.

Please believe that a lot of Whites aren't doing too much better. If I had a nickel for every time a White customer would come in to get a cash advance or borrow against a line of credit I could pay off my student loans and still have some money left. They may not "floss" as much as some of us but trust that a lot of them are in as much debt or more than the brother with the rims and the bad credit. By the way, if you own an Expedition or a Tahoe and you are still renting, you need to check yourself.
that's exactly what i'm sayin, our people don't understand that wealth isn't determined by how much u can spend and how fast u spend it