Are Hysterectomies and C-sections Out of Control??


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Maybe it's me,, maybe I'm not well versed on the details,,, but it sure seems like women are having lots of C-sections and hysterectomies these days.

When I hear ladies undergo these two operations, I'm stunned and see it as major "last resort" surgery, but it seems to be so routine now days. Why is this?

What in the world did women do at the turn of the last century when c-sections were not much of an option, and how in the world did many of my aunts and grandmas have 8, 10, 12 kids?

Hysterectomies seem very common also. I know females in their 20-30s having hysterectomies. Is this common??!! :confused:
I know for black women it has alot to do with not having doctors avaible to get second oppions. My mother had a hysterectomy when we was 34 but being that she had already had 3 kids and had spoken to 3 doctors...but I know women as young as 26 with no kids being told that they need Hysterectomies. You have to trust your doctor but also seeks others advice

For me becasue of my family history, I trust my doctor , knowning that he has worked with other women in my family, but alot of black women don't have doctors they can trust and most times are going to local clincs

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So are many of them unnecessary? Are doctors in these areas simply making money on people who have insurance, for example, to cover most or all of the operations?
Ok now Batram...this a strange thread topic for a guy..but oh well. Maybe its not they have incresed but maybe you are just hearing about it more because these things are not kept secret from men anymore. I know back in the day you didn't talk about womens issues(i.e. periods, cramps..etc), around men. But now adays that practice is thrown out of the window.

These are just my thoughts...

this a strange thread topic for a guy..but oh well.

Well, it's like everytime I turn around, a female friend is having to have a hysterectomy. Now if those friends were, say, in their 40s - 50s that's one thing,,, but I have female friends in their 20s. I simply find this very odd. I also, as I said, wonder what in the world happened back in the early 1900s when this was not much of an option? :confused:

and on C-sections,,, what, are babies increasingly growing to be too big now days or what? Or is this a precedure that covered by insurance and since the procedure is "relatively easy", doctors opt for it for the moms and make more guaranteed money from the insurance. or hel*, maybe c-sections are just less trouble?? :confused: :read:
This is just an opinion. Maybe those younger women get a hysterectomy because they want to have all the sex that they want and not fear pregnancy, maybe they've found out that they can't have kids so they just get their uterus removed so they wouldn't have to cycle anymore. Everyone has their own personal reasons. And as far as a C-section I don't know. Me personally would want to go through with the vaginal delivery. I'm 20 and the 3rd out of 7 kids. My mom had all 7 of us naturally. My mom did have a hysterectomy about 4 years ago because of endometriosis...I think I spelled it right. That's when the inside of your uterus starts growing on the outside due to the fact that she had a lot of kids. But like I said earlier everyone has their own personal reasons for altering their body.
Originally posted by Cesium
This is just an opinion. Maybe those younger women get a hysterectomy because they want to have all the sex that they want and not fear pregnancy, maybe they've found out that they can't have kids so they just get their uterus removed so they wouldn't have to cycle anymore. Everyone has their own personal reasons. And as far as a C-section I don't know. Me personally would want to go through with the vaginal delivery. I'm 20 and the 3rd out of 7 kids. My mom had all 7 of us naturally. My mom did have a hysterectomy about 4 years ago because of endometriosis...I think I spelled it right. That's when the inside of your uterus starts growing on the outside due to the fact that she had a lot of kids. But like I said earlier everyone has their own personal reasons for altering their body.
Now let me clear something up... Doctors wont even consider"tieing" a woman's tubes when she's under 30. It has been my understanding that a Hystorecotmy's are a last resort. Recently there have been an increase in the number of "Young" diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. One treatment for this is a hystorectomy.
Just seeking knowledge, different perspectives.

This is just an opinion. Maybe those younger women get a hysterectomy because they want to have all the sex that they want and not fear pregnancy, maybe they've found out that they can't have kids so they just get their uterus removed so they wouldn't have to cycle anymore. ~~ That's when the inside of your uterus starts growing on the outside due to the fact that she had a lot of kids.

That I can see.

Doctors wont even consider"tieing" a woman's tubes when she's under 30. It has been my understanding that a Hystorecotmy's are a last resort. Recently there have been an increase in the number of "Young" diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. One treatment for this is a hystorectomy.

Let me give yall more background. Usually when I open my pie-hole (that's my mouth) on a topic, it's usually with some underlying reason,, some search for additional information. :read: I like the exchange of information, enlightenment.

Both of your takes hit on things that I have wondered about. I am in a small town/rural area(while not on location) and IT DOES seem to me like this (hystores,,) is a good answer because so many young sistas have had 2-3 even 4 kids by the age of their low 20s. Plus some of them do have medical problems, heavy cycles, very debilitating cycles (so bad mugz have to leave work,, etc),, etc. Now hearing from another perspective, the trend makes a little more sense.

At the same time, I'm just a bit skeptical because it seems like many of these "quack" doctors(all usually white of coarse), from the general gossip I hear in the small towns/rural areas, are simply "getting over" and making more money on these operations because, in many cases, they are covered up to 80% by company insurance plans. I don't see the age scrutiny at least not from the stories told to me. Many times they recommend them,, and it's a "win-win" for everybody involved looks like. :look: I'm just skeptical I guess.
I agree^^^^.

I know ample females, and I am only 19, from my age range to 25, that have had them done, only because they ALREADY have 2-3 kids. I assume these doctors want to rid these females of (God-forbid) and "burdens".:(
Speaking from experience.
Just had a hysterecomy on July 12, 35 years old, two children.

I was very concerned, because number 1 I have never had surgery in my life. Both children were vaginal birth, no problem.
Before the surgery I expressed my concerens with my doctor, She did let me know that she is not doing in for the money.

I had an ultrasound and CAT scan before the surgery. After the surgery, I saw how big the tumor was that was on my uterus, so I am glad that I had one, because the tumor would have just gotten bigger.

I say all that have one, should get second opinions, and talk with everyone they know
Sound advise.

89comSUgrad, good advise. I hope that is what is happening in the environment i'm in.
Re: Perhaps.

Originally posted by Bartram
...and on C-sections,,, what, are babies increasingly growing to be too big now days or what? Or is this a precedure that covered by insurance and since the procedure is "relatively easy", doctors opt for it for the moms and make more guaranteed money from the insurance. or hel*, maybe c-sections are just less trouble?? :confused: :read:

I had a C-Section, because Rhys had the cord around his neck and his heart rate was dropping. The Dr.'s didn't hesitate to give me one but it was VERY neccesary. I know that once you have a c-section if you get pregnant again you have the option of scheduleing another one without it being medically neccesary. Namely because problems that lead to a woman having a c-section are usually reoccuring. I can imagine alot of women would rather schedule a c-section than risk such complications arising again....I know I would.

[color=royal blue]-Astrya[/color]

I know nothing about the Hysterectomies.

In that case, c-sections obviously have saved many more lives because back 40+ years ago, they were pretty much not an option, so the birth was very high risk especially in a case like this. Good info.