7 things to know before buying a new appliance

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

If you're planning a more substantial remodel, it's also good to know that spring is the busiest time for contractors. That means smart consumers should be starting product research now, or you may find yourself rushing into bad decisions so your kitchen can fit in someone else's timeline.

Picking out a new appliance can be intimidating. The big price tags, delivery trucks, and installation are all daunting. And, if you're the average household, it may have been 10 years or more since the last time you had to think about appliances. There have been major technology and efficiency breakthroughs since then—not to mention all the new cosmetic trends—so you may have a world of new options to consider when making your choices.

1. Set a budget
It may seem obvious, but many consumers find themselves magnetically drawn to the most beautiful and expensive products once they see them. Vaccinate yourself against temptation by setting a firm budget ahead of time.