7 money mistakes you shouldn't make in your 30s

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member
I agree with most of these items, but as far as priorities goes, number 6 is at the bottom of the list. The best thing you can do for your kids future is to take care of the other items on the list first.


There’s a reason 20-somethings dread their 30s — it’s the decade when everything seems to finally get real. Careers are established (or at least that's the plan), homes are purchased, bills stack up, and wedding invitations flood mailboxes. Friends you once saw dancing on bar tops abruptly decide to “settle down” and all of the sudden, you realize there are fewer excuses for not having your own financial house in order.

Many of the choices you make in your 30s will determine what kind of life you'll be living when you hit your 60s. To help you along, here are a few common money mistakes you should try to avoid: