Rand Paul lecturing Howard students on race and NAACP



I wonder does Rand Paul know that the person that could be next Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was once a Republican. She later changed her views after meeting up with Ole Bill. I'm sure he not only charmed her in bed, but also charmed her into being a Democrat.


I've also heard that the father of the father of the Civil Rights Movement was Republican, which was the Late Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. I would always tease the Alphas by telling them that Rev. Martin Luther King was an OMEGA MAN or if it wasn't for an OMEGA MAN, there wouldn't have been a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

King, Sr. was also a member of Omega Psi Phi.


On the picture below, King Sr. is doing something all OMEGA MEN should be familiar with:


The biggest problem that White Americans have when it comes to African Americans is that they think we are a monolithic group of people.
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I give Rand Paul credit, at least he is trying.


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I bet Rand Paul didn't even say anything about the White Republican Howard University was named after, which was General Oliver Otis Howard.
I would highly recommend watching his speech on the Cspan radio. He thought that audience would be full of ignorant Nickas. Rand kept repeating his talking points "....back in 1908 the Rep were friendly toward blacks..." For every question they asked him, that was basically his response.
I would highly recommend watching his speech on the Cspan radio. He thought that audience would be full of ignorant Nickas. Rand kept repeating his talking points "....back in 1908 the Rep were friendly toward blacks..." For every question they asked him, that was basically his response.

This show:

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The fool would have earned my respect by starting the speech with "...how many of you all are Republicans..." instead of folks say that I'm stupid or crazy for coming here. I'm sure that at least 1/4 in the crowd where republicans (I can dream). The Stuff that came out of his mouth in the beginning makes this republican (ME) vote the other way.