Do you tip ?

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SimplyRedd said:
I have cut up food for children, played with crying children so mommie and daddy can eat, I have PUT meals together so a guest can have things the way they want it, I.E. I want the new orleans but I want it with salmon, with the rice on the side not underneath, I have concocted things that are no where on our menu...I.E. this dude came in a wanted a long island RIGHT (made from scratch) with hennessey and strawberry and orange juice. Which technically is NOT a drink and definitely not a 5.99 drink...he got it for 7.00. Let's see, I have stood in a freezer trying to figure out if certain menu items had ANY tiny amount of milk in it for a child, I have got out the restaurant to get additional items for guests, I have bought newspapers cause my guest wanted to see something, I have had children POOP at the table or halfway thru the restaurant, when a guest wants a too go box, I pack the food for them (Which is NOT one of my DUTIES) and tell them how to reheat it, Shall I go on...

No. You don't have to go just need to be tipped.

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I always tip, but I tip in accordance to the service I recieve. The only way I don't tip is, if my service is absolutely horrible. Servers, and housekeepers work really hard for pennies, when the restaurants, and hotels they work in make huge amounts of money.

Granted they chose to do those jobs, but somebody has to, and the way some of us work them, they deserve whatever we give them, plus some.

SimplyRedd said:
I have cut up food for children, played with crying children so mommie and daddy can eat, I have PUT meals together so a guest can have things the way they want it, I.E. I want the new orleans but I want it with salmon, with the rice on the side not underneath, I have concocted things that are no where on our menu...I.E. this dude came in a wanted a long island RIGHT (made from scratch) with hennessey and strawberry and orange juice. Which technically is NOT a drink and definitely not a 5.99 drink...he got it for 7.00. Let's see, I have stood in a freezer trying to figure out if certain menu items had ANY tiny amount of milk in it for a child, I have got out the restaurant to get additional items for guests, I have bought newspapers cause my guest wanted to see something, I have had children POOP at the table or halfway thru the restaurant, when a guest wants a too go box, I pack the food for them (Which is NOT one of my DUTIES) and tell them how to reheat it, Shall I go on...

SImplyRedd, I agree with you on all you have listed above, if you do any of that, I would be the first to say you deserve a tip, and would be the first to give it to you one.

But if all I do is order something straight off the menu, get my food and eat it, well that's different.

DNICE said:
Servers, and housekeepers work really hard for pennies, when the restaurants, and hotels they work in make huge amounts of money.
And that's what I am saying. These places make enough pay these folk right, instead of expecting me to tip so they can make a decent wage.

TO all that said: If you don't want to tip, then don't.
All i am saying is I don't like the setup or mentality of this. But those people are trying to make a living, so I tip so someone like those here that are in that business can take home some more money. That has nothing to do with whether or not I understand the scam.
Lewis, I understand what you're saying...and I feel you, but I tip anyway. I commend you for tipping also. :tup:
I just had to bring this back up. Last night I went out to a place where I normally get pretty good service. Well I had a "new" waitress and this chick kept me waiting for everything. She disappeared for 10-15 min before taking our order. She didn't come back to check if we needed more drinks or refills. We asked for a to go box and she brought them, but not the check. I had to keep asking other waitresses to go get her and that's when I realized she was chillin in a booth. I could see if the place was packed, but it was pretty slow at that point. Normally I leave a good tip, but I only left $2. I felt bad for a little bit, but then I thought about how would I be compensated if I behaved like that at my job.
I just had to bring this back up. Last night I went out to a place where I normally get pretty good service. Well I had a "new" waitress and this chick kept me waiting for everything. She disappeared for 10-15 min before taking our order. She didn't come back to check if we needed more drinks or refills. We asked for a to go box and she brought them, but not the check. I had to keep asking other waitresses to go get her and that's when I realized she was chillin in a booth. I could see if the place was packed, but it was pretty slow at that point. Normally I leave a good tip, but I only left $2. I felt bad for a little bit, but then I thought about how would I be compensated if I behaved like that at my job.
I would have asked for a manager, and gave her the $2 tip.

I don't mind tipping over 20%. But if you want 100% percent of the tip, give me 100% percent of the service.
I would have asked for a manager, and gave her the $2 tip.

I don't mind tipping over 20%. But if you want all the 100% percent of the tip, give me 100% percent of the service.

One of the waitresses recognized me and she was real friendly. I was like Shan must not want this money because I've been waiting to pay for about 10 min. She apologized and said the girl was new. How ya gonna be that lazy when you're new? I don't mind tipping but that's the 1st time I ever felt like I didn't want to tip at all.
I just had to bring this back up. Last night I went out to a place where I normally get pretty good service. Well I had a "new" waitress and this chick kept me waiting for everything. She disappeared for 10-15 min before taking our order. She didn't come back to check if we needed more drinks or refills. We asked for a to go box and she brought them, but not the check. I had to keep asking other waitresses to go get her and that's when I realized she was chillin in a booth. I could see if the place was packed, but it was pretty slow at that point. Normally I leave a good tip, but I only left $2. I felt bad for a little bit, but then I thought about how would I be compensated if I behaved like that at my job.

and i still say...I WOULD NOT HAVE LEFT HER SHAT! :lol: if you work in an environment where most of your compensation is through tips, then you need to do at least what is required. i've never been big on wanting servers to go out of their way with all that extra curricula, just do what you suppose to do. she was a prime example of what not to do. she needs "Servers for Dummys"... :lmao:
One of the waitresses recognized me and she was real friendly. I was like Shan must not want this money because I've been waiting to pay for about 10 min. She apologized and said the girl was new. How ya gonna be that lazy when you're new? I don't mind tipping but that's the 1st time I ever felt like I didn't want to tip at all.

I would have gave her a dollar and rolled out! I don't appreciate bad waiters/waitresses.
and i still say...I WOULD NOT HAVE LEFT HER SHAT! :lol: if you work in an environment where most of your compensation is through tips, then you need to do at least what is required. i've never been big on wanting servers to go out of their way with all that extra curricula, just do what you suppose to do. she was a prime example of what not to do. she needs "Servers for Dummys"... :lmao:

Well I did take one of my dollars back. I just felt bad.
....while we are the subject of tippin again lol!

I'ma tell you who I dont tip. I dont know how it is in some of yall neck of the woods...but over here, some of these fast food joints have lil tip cups at the counter when you pay; i.e. Subway, Hot Wing Stands, Various Food Court joints in Malls, etc. I dont tip shat!

Bump that :headphone

Although I do tip at most resturaunts, I am not happy about doing it. That is thier job to bring me my food and be polite about it, just like anyplace else I bring my business to. When I do my job, nobody just dumps some extra money on the table for me.

I know the arguement is those waiters don't make much, but that's between them and thier boss. If they want more money, then get a job that pays better or demand more from thier boss. But what happend is they expect us the customer to make up the difference after we have already paid for our meal. That lets the resturaunt owner off the hook.

I agree 100% now don't get me wrong I will tip BUT I also feel it's a part of their job so why should I help supplement there income? If you don't like your job as a waiter or waitress then go find another one. Now if the server was extremly helpful and accomodating then I have no qualms in leaving a large tip. And when I take my nephews out to eat they usually make a little mess
(3 and 5 yr olds) so I try to compensate the server with a generous tip. But basically I think the restaurant should just pay them a decent salary and not worry me about tips.:retard:
I work hard for my check and I don't get a tip each month :upset:
....while we are the subject of tippin again lol!

I'ma tell you who I dont tip. I dont know how it is in some of yall neck of the woods...but over here, some of these fast food joints have lil tip cups at the counter when you pay; i.e. Subway, Hot Wing Stands, Various Food Court joints in Malls, etc. I dont tip shat!

Bump that :headphone


I used to throw in a dollar here or there but then I realized, why the hell am I tipping that person for ringing up my damn order. :smh: :smh:
I agree 100% now don't get me wrong I will tip BUT I also feel it's a part of their job so why should I help supplement there income? If you don't like your job as a waiter or waitress then go find another one. Now if the server was extremly helpful and accomodating then I have no qualms in leaving a large tip. And when I take my nephews out to eat they usually make a little mess
(3 and 5 yr olds) so I try to compensate the server with a generous tip. But basically I think the restaurant should just pay them a decent salary and not worry me about tips.:retard:
I work hard for my check and I don't get a tip each month :upset:

If the restaurant paid them more your food would cost you at least 4-6 dollars more. You would still have a problem with that more than likely if you hate tipping.

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I agree with Lewis 100%. It's all a scam. Although I do tip and tip pretty well, I totally disagree with how that all works. Restaurants do get off easy when it comes to paying their employees. Why should I tip a waiter/waitress for good service, and not tip a Walmart, Sonic, or McDonald's employee for giving me that same good service? In some other countries, it's often considered rude to tip, in some places it's not even allowed, and from what I've heard, the service is better in some other non-tipping countries. A friend of mine spend 6 months in Japan, and he said even in McDonald's the service was way better. They put his burger in one bag, and fries in another, and they seem like they are happy to serve you. Tipping has become the accepted and expected thing here, that you're looked down upon if you don't do it. Now as far as tipping for bad service, I still tip for that. For good service, I tip at least 15-20%, depending on the cash in my wallet. I never put the tip on my credit card because how do I know that it will go back to the waiter/waitress? For bad service, I leave some of my pocket change as a tip, so they know how I felt about the service they gave me. If I don't tip at all, they may just think I'm a person that doesn't tip, hence the pocket change.
If the restaurant paid them more your food would cost you at least 4-6 dollars more. You would still have a problem with that more than likely if you hate tipping.

Prices have gone up anyway without them getting higher base pay.
Make a habit of being a poor tipper or no tipper, and you'll wind up with some Suge Avery in your food.:vomit:
I'm a generous tipper, but I'm not giving no big tip for poor service. For what? So the server can continue to think that piss poor service can still be rewarded? Not with my money! :tdown:
Make a habit of being a poor tipper or no tipper, and you'll wind up with some Suge Avery in your food.:vomit:

The funny part about this is those same people who don?t tip you and give you a hard way to go come in the same restaurants and order the same thing all the time. They do it so much that when they hit the door every server and even the cooks know who they are. They do the same thing week after week. It?s funny man. If they only had a clue. :lol: Folks gone learn, they gone learn. You might think you getting over but you have know idea. Seen it time after time at 4-5 places I worked at. If you go out to eat allot in your city mess around and get a rep for not tipping and think it doesn't spread if you want to. Most of your servers have worked at several places and they remember you. Ask anyone that has been in this business if you think I'm lying. :lol:
I'm a generous tipper, but I'm not giving no big tip for poor service. For what? So the server can continue to think that piss poor service can still be rewarded? Not with my money! :tdown:

I agree. I remember a former boss treating me to lunch for my bday and the server was outstanding. She tipped the dude $4 (credit card) on a $35 ticket. :confused: I noticed the dude was visibly frustrated after seeing that.

Instead showing her up by handing the dude money in front of her, I folded a $10 bill and dropped it on the table as we got
I agree. I remember a former boss treating me to lunch for my bday and the server was outstanding. She tipped the dude $4 (credit card) on a $35 ticket. :confused: I noticed the dude was visibly frustrated after seeing that.

Instead showing her up by handing the dude money in front of her, I folded a $10 bill and dropped it on the table as we got
He played yall. :smh:
Ended up with a $14 tip on a $35 ticket
I agree. I remember a former boss treating me to lunch for my bday and the server was outstanding. She tipped the dude $4 (credit card) on a $35 ticket. :confused: I noticed the dude was visibly frustrated after seeing that.

Instead showing her up by handing the dude money in front of her, I folded a $10 bill and dropped it on the table as we got

I'm glad you did that. :lol: And I'm sure the server appreciated it.
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